How Does Cloud Storage Work?

How does cloud storage work

Cloud storage is an alternative to storing files and data on physical devices. It allows for the easy and convenient storage of digital data on external servers.

Cloud storage allows users and organizations to store, access, and manage data without owning or operating their own data centers. Due to its affordability, ease of use, and scalability, cloud storage is the most popular method for managing data.

This article will answer the question, "How does cloud storage work?" We will explain what happens to your files when you upload them to the cloud, the key components of cloud storage, and the different kinds of storage you can choose from to suit your needs.

Table of contents

  1. Servers
  2. Data centers
  3. Encryption
  4. Redundancy
  5. Sustainability
  1. Backups and disaster recovery
  2. Archiving
  3. Data processing
  4. Content management and delivery
  1. Public
  2. Private
  3. Hybrid
  4. Multi-cloud
  1. Object storage
  2. File storage
  3. Block storage

How does cloud storage work?

Cloud storage lets you save your files, business data, photos, or images on remote servers, typically managed by a cloud storage provider.

When you upload data to the cloud, it is transmitted over the internet and saved on a virtual machine on a physical server. Once stored, the files can be accessed later from any device with an internet connection.

When you upload a file to the cloud, it is broken into smaller pieces and encrypted to protect it from unauthorized access. Many cloud providers use redundancy for increased protection and data recovery, which involves distributing the fragmented files across multiple servers.

When you want to access a stored file, the cloud provider retrieves the fragments, decrypts them, and reassembles them.

In addition to encryption, data centers are equipped with other advanced security measures such as firewalls, access controls, and automated backups to protect your data from cyberattacks and other external factors such as server failure or natural disasters.

Key components of cloud storage

Understanding the additional components of the best cloud storage also helps people understand how cloud storage works as they all work together to store, manage, and protect data.

Internxt is a cloud storage service based on encryption and privacy.


A key component when asking how does cloud storage work is learning about cloud storage servers. Unlike local storage, cloud storage uses powerful computers located in secure data centers designed to handle vast amounts of information.

Cloud storage servers are powerful computers that store and manage data for users. They are located in secure data centers designed to handle large amounts of information. These servers use advanced hardware and software to ensure data is stored safely and can be accessed quickly.

Cloud storage servers decrypt and store backup copies of your files so they remain secure and readily available. Cloud storage providers use load balancing to prevent overloading, which distributes user requests across multiple servers to ensure reliable and fast access to your files.

Data Centers

Data centers are where cloud storage servers are stored and managed. They are located worldwide for fast and easy access to files no matter where you are located. These centers use high-speed internet connections to reduce latency and advanced cooling systems to prevent overheating.

or further reliability, data centers operate 24/7 to monitor, detect, and resolve issues. For further security, data centers also have physical security measures like surveillance and biometric access controls to prevent sensitive information.


A common feature when asking how does cloud storage work is how this form of storage protects your sensitive information and the privacy of your files.

Most cloud providers use advanced end-to-end encryption algorithms like AES-256 to encrypt your files. For users focused on privacy, zero-knowledge encryption offers advanced privacy by ensuring that even the cloud provider cannot access the contents of the stored data.

Internxt uses zero-knowledge encryption and post-quantum cryptography, the most advanced technology to protect against quantum computers, which could break current AES-256 encryption.

Internxt post quantum encryption


Cloud providers store identical copies of files in separate locations to improve the reliability and availability of files and prevent data loss in case of hardware failure or other factors that pose a risk to files.


Due to the high computing power of cloud servers and data centers, many companies, such as Internxt, implement sustainability practices to reduce the environmental impact.

Internxt green cloud storage is dedicated to sustainability.

Internxt's sustainability practices aim to reduce its carbon footprint, use renewable energy sources, and become climate-neutral by 2050. How does cloud storage work to

How does cloud storage work to protect your files

Once you choose your cloud storage provider, here is how cloud storage works for business or personal use.

Backups and disaster recovery

One of the most common methods of cloud storage focuses on backing up your files in the cloud. When you back up files to the cloud a copy of that file is created and saved on the servers. If you lose your device, or it is lost or damaged, you can still access and restore this file from the cloud as they are stored on remote servers and can be accessed or restored if needed.


Cloud storage can also be used to store files that are no longer actively used but may be needed for future reference or compliance purposes. Cloud archiving uses compression and deduplication to reduce storage space and costs for companies that need to store decades of old files without using too much storage.

Data processing

As technology advances, cloud storage providers are beginning to implement cloud automation tools such as Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to process extensive data sets much quicker and more efficiently.

Content management and delivery

Content management and delivery in the cloud allows for organizing, storing, and distributing digital content using cloud-based platforms. For personal use, you can store, share, and stream your media files.

For media and entertainment companies, as large audio and video files are stored globally, this content can be delivered to users wherever they reside.

Internxt S3 compatible object storage

How does cloud storage work in public, hybrid, private, and multi-cloud environments

You should be aware of many different types of cloud storage models, as each offers several advantages and disadvantages to managing your data, depending on your needs. Public


Public cloud storage, such as Internxt Drive, allows you to store data on shared remote servers accessed over the internet. This type of storage offers scalability and flexibility, as you only pay for the space you use with the option to add more storage if needed.


Private cloud storage is managed by a single organization, offering more control, security, and customization by using either on-premises or hosted infrastructure for storing sensitive data.

Companies or individuals may choose private storage as it offers greater control over data, privacy, and security, so the storage infrastructure can be tailored to meet specific needs and compliance requirements.


Hybrid cloud storage combines public and private clouds. This method allows organizations to store highly sensitive data on private and public clouds for less sensitive information.


Multicloud storage involves using services from multiple cloud providers to distribute data across different platforms. This approach offers several advantages, such as avoiding vendor lock-in, improving resilience, and optimizing performance.

By using multiple providers, businesses can select the best solutions for their specific needs, whether it’s better security, cost-efficiency, or specialized tools offered by each provider.

Types of cloud storage

Each of the following types of cloud storage is also available.

Object storage

Object Storage, such as Internxt S3, stores data in buckets called objects. Each object contains the data, metadata, and a unique identifier.

This type of storage is highly scalable and flexible, making it ideal for storing unstructured data like images, videos, and backups.

Unlike other S3 providers, Internxt’s object storage plans use a pay-as-you-go pricing model model with no data transfer fees, offering an alternative to AWS that could save your business up to 80% in comparison.

Internxt Object Storage is an affordable solution to store large scale data

File storage

File storage organizes your data in a hierarchical structure of files and folders, similar to how data is stored in physical hard drives or NAS storage. Your files can be stored and accessed via a path (e.g., C:/Documents/file.txt).

The hierarchical file storage system makes it suitable for small to medium-sized businesses, departments, or individuals.

Block storage

Unlike file storage, block storage doesn’t include a file system, and data is treated as raw storage. This kind of storage stores data in fixed-sized blocks that can be accessed independently, e.g., one block can be stored on Windows and the other on Linux.

You can check out our blog article for more information about object vs. file vs. block storage.

Products and services to help you manage your data

Now, you have more information about cloud storage, how it works, and the options available to store and manage your data.

Internxt Drive offers cloud storage for personal, business, and object storage, including post-quantum encryption and zero-knowledge policies for maximum security and privacy. You can also backup your files stored across multiple servers for redundancy and GDPR compliance.

Internxt is a cloud storage service based on encryption and privacy.

To get started with Internxt Drive, visit our website, and to get S3 object storage, you can contact our sales team for more information.