Introduction to Web Application Security: Why It's Important to Keep Your Website Safe

As web applications become more complex and interconnected, the security of these applications becomes increasingly important.
In this article, we will discuss web application security, why it is crucial, and how you can test your web applications for security vulnerabilities. By taking measures to secure your website, you reduce the risk of cyberattacks, protect your data from unauthorized access, and save you and your business time and money.
What Is Web Application Security?
By securing a website's assets against potential attacks, web application security (or Web AppSec) allows the site to continue functioning correctly. This necessitates the use of several measures which work together to create a safe environment.
Flaws in web applications, like all software defects, can be exploited and create risks for the organizations that use them. Web application security prevents these flaws from being exploited. This is done by using secure development practices and implementing security measures throughout the software development life cycle (SDLC) so that problems at the design and implementation level are dealt with before they become a problem.
Understanding Why Web Application Security Is Important
Finding flaws in web applications and their configurations is known as web application security testing.
The goal is to examine the application layer, aka what runs on the HTTP protocol. Sending a variety of inputs to cause anomalies and make the system behave in unexpected ways is a typical tactic for web application security testing. These "negative tests," also known as "contra-tests," check if the system performs tasks beyond its intended capabilities.
Web application security testing must consider the entire web application, not just the included security features. It is also critical to check that other elements (such as business logic and usage of appropriate input validation and output encoding) are done securely. The goal is to ensure that any services exposed via the web application are safe.
Different Types of Web Application Security Tests
Dynamic Application Security Test (DAST)
Automated application security tests are ideal for low-risk internal apps that regulatory assessments require to be secure. The best solution for most other applications, particularly those of medium risk or undergoing small changes, is to use DAST in combination with some manually performed web security testing against common vulnerabilities.
Static Application Security Test (SAST)
This type of security strategy employs both automatic and manual testing. It's ideal for finding flaws without putting applications live in a production environment. It also enables static analysis tools to find and repair software vulnerabilities in source code.
Penetration Test
The manual application security test is ideal for apps that are being revised frequently. The examination includes industrial logic and adversary-based testing to identify more complex attack scenarios.

Runtime Application Self Protection (RASP)
Application security technologies are continuously being developed to better monitor and protect against attacks. RASP tools work by instrumenting an application so that any potential threats can be immediately identified and blocked.
How Does Testing Web Application Security Reduce the Risk Factor of Your Organization?
Although a web application may be vulnerable to various problems in today's environment, certain issues can significantly impact your app's functionality and security.
Some of the more notorious web application attacks:
- SQL Injection
- XSS (Cross-Site Scripting)
- Remote Command Execution
- Path Traversal
Results of these attacks:
- Content access restriction
- User accounts that have been compromised
- Putting in harmful code
- Revenue lost from sales
- Customers' confidence loss
- Reputational harm to your company's brand
- And many others
The list above shows several of the most common assaults employed by attackers, which might significantly damage an individual program or the entire organization. Understanding different attacks that make an application susceptible, as well as the possible consequences of an attack, allow you to address any flaws and conduct accurate testing for them proactively.
Identifying the root causes of vulnerabilities allows for early implementation of mitigating controls during the software development life cycle, preventing any issues from arising. Also, understanding how these assaults work may help the security testing of web applications focus on well-known concerns.
To best protect your company, it's essential to identify potential attacks and understand their possible effects. By gauging the severity of an issue identified during a security test, you and your team can more efficiently use time and resources to address it. Work on remediation efforts in order of highest-risk (most critical) issues first down to lowest impact problems.
Evaluating the potential impact of each application in your company's application library before an issue is discovered might help you prioritize application security testing. It's wise to schedule security testing to focus on your company's most vital applications first, with more focused testing following to reduce the danger of a breach.
Features to Review in a Web Application Security Test
The following is a list of factors to consider while performing web application vulnerability scanning. Each may lead to vulnerabilities, posing significant threats to your company.
- Application and server configuration: Defects may be found in various areas, including encryption and cryptographic configurations and web server settings. Adhering to container security best practices is crucial, especially for applications deployed in containerized environments. This includes ensuring proper container image security and implementing strong isolation policies between containers.
- Input validation and error handling: Failing to handle input and output properly is the driving force behind SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and other prevalent injection vulnerabilities.
- Authentication and session management: User impersonation vulnerabilities are possible. You should consider the strength of your credentials and how well they are protected.
- Authorization: Testing the application's ability to prevent vertical and horizontal privilege escalation.
- Business logic: These are essential for most commercial applications.
- Client-side logic: Client-side technologies such as Silverlight, Flash, and Java applets are becoming more common in modern web pages. This type of feature allows for more interactive and dynamic pages.

Web Application Security in Summary
In conclusion, web application security is critical for all organizations. By understanding the importance of web application security, the different types of web application security tests, and how web application security testing can help reduce your organization's risk factor, you can ensure that your website is safe and secure.